Selecting your personal insurance company can be a difficult and tedious task. Buying from a member of your networking group or service club does not guarantee the best option, although knowing how a person manages their personal and volunteer affairs is often good insight on how they handle their business.
Personal insurance is not lucrative to most independent agents, so unless you have a good friend who is an agent, don’t expect much attention. Agents who specialize in personal insurance are often more geared to individual attention. Get to know the CSR (customer service representative) who handles your account and have an annual insurance checkup.
There are some very good insurance companies with which you may not be familiar; Amica comes to mind. Check out Consumer Reports ratings of insurance companies based on claim service; USAA is the top rated company with AMICA number two for Car Insurance; they just switch positions for Homeowner insurance. Farm Bureau, State Farm and Hartford (AARP) are not far behind.